Get Involved with Pressbooks

Diverse teams make better software. Creating, improving, and maintaining free and open source software like Pressbooks takes time, effort, and money. As a result, we ask our open source users to get involved with this project. Here are some suggestions for how you can contribute to the long-term sustainability of Pressbooks.

Financial Support

If you are an institution using Pressbooks and would like to help sustain Pressbooks financially at any level, please consider hosting Pressbooks with us or contacting us to discuss how best to work together.

Contribute via GitHub

You can always report bugs, open pull requests, and follow our development on GitHub. We also maintain an ideas repository where we welcome product suggestions and feature improvements from any and all. We regularly review these suggestions and add them to our product backlog where relevant.

Monthly Product Update

We hold an open meeting at 2pm EST on the last Thursday of each month to discuss recently releases and upcoming work. See our running agenda for details on how to join those updates, or watch recordings of past meetings on our YouTube playlist.

Pressbooks Forum

Our forum is a place for developers and Open Source users to discuss issues of interest and ask others in the community for help. If you use Pressbooks, we invite you to help others in the community who may be encountering issues.


Pressbooks is maintained by developers working for Pressbooks (aka Book Oven Inc.), with past contributions from dozens of others, including:

Your contributions to our project are always welcome!